Mid-Deployment Self Care - Taking Time for YOU
The Homefront can become overwhelming and stressful while your Marine is deployed. Oftentimes, taking care of yourself gets put on the back burner due to the many demands of daily life. During that midway point, it is normal to feel like time is standing still and the day of your Marine’s return is too far away to count down. It’s okay to give yourself permission to take care of “you” in order to better take care of others.
Taking care of yourself is a great opportunity to reflect on your well-being. Be sure to carve time for yourself by participating in a few activities you enjoy. Here are a few suggestions to get you started:
Mental well-being: Jump start your day by joining a local Yoga or Tai Chi class. Many find that these two exercises help reduce stress, boost well-being, and generate internal energy.
Spiritual well-being: Participate in community church activities and lean on your faith to get you through the tough times. You may also want to contact or visit your installation Chaplain for more information.
Physical well-being: Commit to taking a 30 minute walk every day to reflect on your day. If you love dancing, find a Zumba class and dance away! Find what you love and go for it! Check out the group fitness classes at your local fitness center. There’s sure to be something that fits into your schedule.
Social well-being: Get involved! Join a networking group, volunteer in your community, or volunteer with your Marine’s unit. Your installation Volunteer Coordinator can help you find some great opportunities in your area. If you’d prefer to volunteer within your unit, contact your Family Readiness Office. There’s always an opportunity for you to help them out. Invite a friend out for coffee, talk openly about things you are experiencing and help support one another in whatever is going on in your lives.
Bottom line: It is important to take time for yourself and prepare your mind, body and spirit for your Marine’s arrival. Your Marine and family are counting on you to stay as healthy as possible when they are deployed! For more information, contact your local Marine Corps Family Team Building office to find a Mid-Deployment workshop near you.