Victim Advocacy Program



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Victim Advocates

The role of the Victim Advocate is to represent the interest of victims of spouse abuse, non-offending parent child abuse, sexual assault, and rape. Victim Advocates support the victim's safety. A victim is not safe until free from violent acts themselves, and also threats of those acts.  Victim Advocates support the victim's autonomy. You have the right to make decisions about what is in your best interest.  However, if there has been a domestic violence incident our staff is required to report suspected child abuse and spouse abuse.  We respect your ability and responsibility to make decisions involving your safety and well being. Our Victim Advocate services are available to you if you are experiencing physical, emotional, or sexual abuse.

A Victim Advocate can provide:

  • Information and referrals to other services
  • Crisis intervention
  • Accompaniment to medical, legal, law enforcement and FAP assessment interviews
  • Help developing safety plans
  • Help obtaining protective orders
  • Assistance with victim impact statements
  • Information to victims on all decisions and actions taken on cases involving them
  • Educate spouses on their rights and what assistance is available
  • Educate and advise service providers, agencies and the public about the dynamics of interpersonal violence
  • Work to change the system’s response to one that insures protection for the victim and emotional support

Types of Reporting

Unrestricted Reporting - Adult victims of domestic abuse who wish to pursue an official investigation of the incident should use standard reporting channels (e.g. chain of command, FAP. or law enforcement).

Restricted Reporting - provides adult victims access to medical and victim advocacy services without command or law enforcement involvement,  Reporting can encourage victims to feel more comfortable and safe about reporting doemstic abuse. Only adult victims are eligible to elect restricted reporting. Adult victims of domestic abuse who desire restricted reporting under this policy must report the abuse to one of the following specified individuals: FAP Clinician, VA or VA Supervisor, or DoD Healthcare Provider.

Transitional Compensation for Abused Dependents (TCAD)

The purpose of TCAD is to provide temporary financial assistance to eligible family members and, when applicable, Service Members. TCAD helps to ease the financila burden for eiligible family members afer the Marine offender is separated from the Marine Corps for a dependent-abuse offense. Any domestic abuse offense acted out by a Service Member upon eligible spouse and/or children. The Offense must be a criminal offense as specified under UCMJ Federal criminal law, criminal laws of the states and other jurisdictions of the U.S., and/or laws of other nations. The Victim Advocate can assist with Transitional Compensation if you qualify.

Domestic Violence is not a Marine Corps Value

Marine Corps policy states that acts of domestic violence or neglect are incompatible with the high standards of professional and personal discipline required of members of the Marine Corps. A Marine who is abusing his or her spouse cannot be considered a good Marine, since this behavior is contrary to the Core Values and standards of excellence of the Marine Corps. Turning to the Family Advocacy Program for help does not mean that your spouse's career will be ruined or that you must end your marriage. In fact, turning to FAP for assistance in dealing with family problems will help keep you and your children safe, and maybe help your partner before it's too late for career, marriage, and family.

Contact Information and Resources
Victim Advocacy

Phone: 2296395252

24/7 Domestic Violence Response Line: 2293472651

Hours of operation:

Monday - Friday 8AM - 4:30PM
Saturday CLOSED
Closed Federal Holidays
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