How Can L.I.N.K.S. Help You with Your PCS?
PCS Season is winding down. Most families are getting settled in their new environments and finding changes in places they’ve been. Even if you’ve been to your new duty station before, there are always things to learn. Whenever you get to a new duty station, it’s important to familiarize yourself with the local resources, changes to the Marine Corps, and get the lay of the land. But where do you go to accomplish all of this? Lifestyle Insights, Networking, Knowledge & Skills (L.I.N.K.S.) has your answers! Whether you and your family have been in the Marine Corps for one year or twenty years, L.I.N.K.S. provides valuable information for every stage of your family’s life or career.
Celebrating its twentieth anniversary this year, L.I.N.K.S. is as beneficial for new Marine Corps families as it is for ones with long experience. Participants learn about Marine Corps history, traditions, rank, local installation resources, services, benefits, military pay, separation, deployment, communication styles, and how to invest in their community. It is open to all Marines, spouses, children, teens, and parents of Marines, with distinct information for each curriculum, and different methods of instruction based on the audience and what class you attend.
Opportunities are limitless upon arriving at a new duty station! Please check with your local Marine Corps Family Team Building office to choose what best fits for you and your family and sign up for the next L.I.N.K.S. Workshop!