The Community Counseling Program (CCP) is designed to provide access to counseling for Marines, Sailors, and their families.
Domestic Abuse
Everyone’s situation is different — domestic abuse can happen to anyone and it’s not their fault. And it can be difficult to know how to help a friend, coworker or loved one who is in an abusive relationship.
Military & Family Life Counselors
Experienced behavioral health professionals assigned to installations, embedded in units, schools, and Child Development Centers.
Family Advocacy Program
A resource designed to address child abuse and domestic abuse within the Marine Corps community through prevention, intervention, and treatment.
New Parent Support
The New Parent Support Program (NPSP) is a professional team of social workers, counselors, and registered nurses who provide education and support to Marine families who are expecting or raising children aged 0 -5 years old.
Prevention and Education
Our Prevention and Education program provides community-wide education and awareness of situations that could contribute to family violence.
Sexual Assault Prevention and Response
The USMC is committed to the prevention and ultimate elimination of sexual assault in the Corps while simultaneously providing world-class care to victims of the crime.
Substance Misuse
The Substance Assessment and Counseling Program utilizes evidence-based programming and practices, including prevention education, early intervention initiatives, counseling, and drug and alcohol deterrent activities in order to promote overall health and mission readiness.
Military OneSource
Military OneSource supports Service members and their families with connections to information, answers, and support when Marine Corps life happens. The Military OneSource Line is a confidential phone and chat support service that operates 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Suicide Prevention
Our prevention programs are designed to help Marines who are thinking about suicide or engaging in suicidal behavior, and those who may be at risk for suicide.
Marine Intercept Program
Outreach program offering service members who have had suicide ideations or attempts.
Victim Advocacy Program
The role of the Victim Advocate is to represent the interest of victims of spouse abuse, non-offending parent child abuse, sexual assault, and rape.