Get Reel About Prevention Fishing Tournament & Wellness Fair

Friday, September 29, 2023Time
6:00 AM - 3:00 PMAddress
Hancock LodgeOff Roosevelt Blvd
Cherry Point, North Carolina 28533
The second annual “Get Reel About Prevention” Fishing Tournament happens on Friday, Sept. 29. The fishing tournament is a fun event to raise awareness about Suicide Prevention Month, Red Ribbon Week (substance misuse), and Domestic Violence Awareness Month. The event will be held at Hancock Marina with check-in at 0600, fishing from 0700-1300, and weigh-ins/prizes from 1300-1500.
Fishing Tournament
- The tournament will host categories for red drum, speckled trout, and biggest overall fish. There will also be a youth angler category. Patrons will be able to fish on Station in designated areas or off Station at their favorite fishing spots as long as applicable state and federal regulations are followed.
- Additionally, we will have a blanket license for the event, so patrons will not be required to purchase a fishing license for the event. Prizes will include individual prizes for each fish category, USMC Ball fund cash prizes for the most unit participation, and free t-shirts for the first 50 people to register.
- Any authorized patron can register for the event, but prizes will only be awarded to active duty, veterans, and their dependents. The event will also feature a Wellness Fair from 1130-1500 and the entire community is invited to attend. There will be food trucks, music, and Community Partners hosting fun activities and games with giveaways.
- Registration closes Friday, Sep. 22.
Wellness Fair
- 11:30 - 3 pm
- Visit resource tables and meet with staff for information about Suicide Prevention Month, Red Ribbon Week (substance misuse), and Domestic Violence Awareness Month.